Songyuan Zhang

— After all this time? Always.

Photo I am a third year Ph.D. student at Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, MIT. I received my B.E. degree at Tsien Excellence in Engineering Program (Tsien class, TEEP) at Tsinghua in 2021. The goal of my research is to develop real intelligent assistive robots. My research interests lie at safe multi-agent systems, reinforcement learning, control theories, and robotics.

I am a member of REALM lab led by Prof. Chuchu Fan. Previously in my undergraduate program, I worked on learning from suboptimal demonstrations with Prof. Yanan Sui and Prof. Dorsa Sadigh, developing clustering algorithms with Prof. Hao Wu, developing planning algorithms for autonomous driving with Prof. Masayoshi Tomizuka, as well as building medical robots with Prof. Gangtie Zheng.

Besides research, I enjoy traveling, hiking, photography, skiing, badminton, and running. I am also a Gryffindor!
